Friday, January 19, 2018

Five Books That Changed My Life as a Professional Photographer

Five Books That Changed My Life as a Professional Photographer

We live in the Information Age. There is no doubt a ton of information on the Internet about photography and just about any other subject you’d care to know about. While the Internet is a great place to learn and e-books are convenient, there’s still something special about holding a printed book in your hand. I have e-books and printed books alike. For me personally, I notice that I’m more inclined to actually read a book if I’m not reading it on a screen. I prefer to put away my backlit digital devices in favor of reading a printed page. With that out of the way, I’d like to talk about five books that have helped shape my business as a professional photographer.

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The following article was first published on courtesy of : 

Five Books That Changed My Life as a Professional Photographer was originally posted by gopro t2 blogger

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