Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Five Ways Photographers Can Maximize Networking at Trade Shows

Five Ways Photographers Can Maximize Networking at Trade Shows

A trade show is an organized event for companies in a specific industry to showcase and demonstrate their latest products and services, meet with industry partners and customers, study activities of rivals, and examine recent market trends and opportunities. What this means for photographers is that if you’re in the niche of the trade show this is your chance to be face to face and rub shoulders with the big names in your industry. To fully maximize the network and contacts you can make from these events you need a game plan and some guidelines to follow. These are my personal five tips to maximize your networking at a trade show.

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The following post was originally published on republished from:  https://www.proton-pack.com 

Five Ways Photographers Can Maximize Networking at Trade Shows was originally posted by gopro t2 blogger

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