Friday, January 26, 2018

Can You Tell The Difference Between $10,000 and $425 Photography Lighting?

Can You Tell The Difference Between $10,000 and $425 Photography Lighting?

The lust for better photo gear is something every photographer struggles with. In our photography industry, many people swear by the quality of light of this brand verses that brand, but in the end isn’t light just light? In this video I create a classic beauty lighting setup with $10,000 worth of lighting equipment and then replicate that same setup with only $425 worth of lighting equipment. Will they look the same? This is the Rich Photographer vs Poor Photographer lighting test.

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The following article was originally published on republished from:  PROTON PACK BLOG

Can You Tell The Difference Between $10,000 and $425 Photography Lighting? was originally posted by gopro t2 blogger

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